Announcement of Creative Health Impact Grant Awards for 2022-2023 Year

Pile of MoneyPennsylvania Rural Arts Alliance (PRAA) and the 1889 Foundation are pleased to announce the recipients of the Creative Health Impact Grant (CHIG) for the 2022-2023 year. The awards provide up to $50,000 in 1889 Foundation funds to support arts programs related to health and wellness in Cambria and Somerset Counties. The 1889 Foundation gift comes from foundation funds that have been donor-designated to support arts programs, and all funded activities will take place from September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.

The 2022-2023 year is the seventh year for this innovative partnership.  Since its start this grant program has grown and the grant funds available have doubled. Initially up to $25,000 was awarded yearly. Current funding level is up to $50,000 yearly. Grant funds are used on projects which include an arts component and a health/wellness component.

Grant applicants include a wide variety of regional organizations. Through the development of their grant projects many new collaborations have been created and nurtured. During the COVID pandemic these programs were especially important, often providing virtual events and activities instead of in-person ones. Learning to pivot during this time was critical and most organizations were still able to complete their grant projects. This year as we return to a more normal state, we have seen strong programs that built on successes in the past, as well as some new programs.

Susan Mann, President of the 1889 Foundation and Becky Catelinet, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Rural Arts Alliance, have been happy to see how this partnership has grown to benefit the residents of the region.

Click here to read the full news release and list of funded programs and projects.